The External Consultative Group (GCE, for its acronym in Spanish) was created in 2017, based on a suggestion from civil society organizations, to support the Mechanism’s continuous improvement process and increase its operational effectiveness. It comprises eight experts from academia, civil society, the private sector, or similar mechanisms in various fields. MICI thus benefits from the experience and knowledge of a group of diverse, impartial, and experienced voices in the countries where the institution operates.

The CGE does not support or advise MICI on the complaints it receives. Its objectives are to advise the Mechanism in order to strengthen its accessibility, transparency, learning, and impact, and to act as a discussion partner on emerging trends and best practices in the fields of sustainable development and accountability.


MICI is committed to fulfilling its accountability mandate in a transparent, effective and credible manner. In that sense, the GCE was created to support MICI’s process of continuous improvement and increase its operational effectiveness. The GCE does not participate in case management.

From its external perspective, the GCE offers advice to MICI so that it can:

  • Improve its strategies to promote access
  • Reinforce its information and interaction schemes with different interlocutors
  • Strengthen its operation through greater transparency and predictability regarding its processes
  • Develop a framework of indicators to guide its process of continuous improvement


MICI selects the GCE members. Every two years, MICI makes an open call for statements of interest. The selections process seeks to generate a multidisciplinary group, considering gender equity, the inclusion of vulnerable group representatives and candidates that can offer perspectives from private, public and social sectors. During this process, applications are evaluated according to the following criteria:


  • Academic or technical experience in the relevant areas of transparency, development finance, organizational strengthening, accountability and/or sustainability
  • Nationals of the IDB Group member countries, with emphasis on the participation of those from Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Knowledge about MICI and the mandate of accountability mechanisms


The second generation of the MICI's External Consultative Group has been formed with a group of six expert professionals who will advise the Mechanism on a pro-bono and non-binding basis. The new group held its first virtual meeting with the MICI team in November 2022 and is comprised of experts in environmental and social safeguards, civil society, conflict resolution, corporate governance and human rights, compliance review, private sector, and the IDB Group.  

This second generation of the CGE replaces the group of eight professionals from different fields and with diverse backgrounds that formed the first CGE between 2017 and 2019. 


  • MICI convenes GCE meetings twice a year and defines the issues to be addressed during the meeting.
  • MICI sends a proposed agenda to the Members for their review and comments
  • The meetings include the regular participation of the MICI Director and the Coordinators of the Consultation and Compliance Review Phases. Additional MICI staff will participate as necessary.
  • MICI chairs the GCE meeting and drafts a summary note which includes the main issues discussed and agreements reached. The draft summary note is shared with members for their comments.
  • The agenda and summary records are published on the MICI website. The most recent versions of the documents are available in the Document section.
  • MICI is responsible for the implementation of the actions agreed upon during the meetings, and the GCE is informed of the progress.
  • The GCE meetings adhere to the ‘Chatham House ’ rule, according to which individual attributions are not made.