
Metro of Bogota First Line - First Tranch — Request V

Country: Colombia

Reception date: August, 12 2022

Current Status: Open


Three residents of the city of Bogotá, Colombia


Summary of the Request

The Request describes a potential damage to the Requesters’ economic and patrimony derived from the expropriation of his commercial property (automotive service station) for the construction of the Project.

The Requesters allege that an incorrect appraisal during the expropriation did not consider the investment in installing the infrastructure and the underground works to build a service station, therefore they only received an amount for the land and the visible construction.

In addition, the incorrect appraisal has led to the executing agency to seek payment from the requesters to cover the expenses of dismounting the infrastructure of the station due to a “environmental liability”, despite the expropriation documents that state these expenses will be covered by the executing agency.

Finally, the Request cites that the loss of business compensation is at stake after the environmental liability claim. All the cited above are in an alleged noncompliance with the IDB’s relevant policies.



Recent actions

On July 14th, 2023, MICI submitted its Assessment Report of the Consultation Phase, indicating that a dispute resolution process is feasible.


On June 20, 2024, the Board of Executive Directors was notified of an extension of the Consultation Phase process for a maximum additional period of six months, to provide enough time for the Parties to reconfigure their positions and compile the corresponding documentary support that would lead to an effective and final negotiation.


Past actions

On August 18, 2022, MICI notified the Requesters and IDB Management of the registration of the Request.

On October 7, 2022, the MICI determined that the Request was eligible because it met all the eligibility criteria established in the MICI Policy. This eligibility determination is not an evaluation of the merits of the Request or the issues contained therein.

The Request was transferred to the Consultation Phase by decision of the Requesters.



Project Number:


Project Name:

Metro of Bogota First Line - First tranch



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Financing:

USD 70,000,000

Consultation Process
Recommendation for a CR and ToRs
CR Report


Consultation Phase (CP)

Compliance Review Phase (CRP)

Chronology and documents

Steps and milestonesDateRemarksDocuments


Request Receipt



Notice of Registration

2022-08-185 business days from the date of receipt of the Request or 15 business days when further information is required from the Requesters.


Management Response

2022-09-1921 business days from the date of notice of registration. The response will be published as an annex to the Eligibility Memorandum.


Eligibility due date

2022-10-1921 business days from the date of receipt of Management Response or 45 business days after the Suspension is granted. 


Eligibility Memorandum Public Disclosure

2022-10-24As per the Access to Information Policy (OP-102) the disclosure of this document is done simultaneous to its distribution to the Board of Executive Directors.
Consultation phase


Deadline for Assessment

2022-12-0740 business days from the date of issuance of the eligibility memorandum. 


Assessment Report Public Disclosure

2023-07-31As per the Access to Information Policy (OP-102) the disclosure of this document is done simultaneous to its distribution to the Board of Executive Directors.
Consultation Phase Process


Consultation Phase Process deadline

2024-07-1412 calendar months from the date of issuance of the Assessment Report. 


Deadline Extension for the Consultation Phase Process

2025-01-14Extension of the deadline notified to the Board of Executive Directors.