
National Tourism Development Program - PRODETUR Nacional-Rio de Janeiro

Country: Brazil

Reception date: July, 13 2022

Current Status: Open


Four residentes of Ilha Grande, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Summary of the Request

The Request describes harms to the environment, as well as living conditions and health of the community due to the implementation of the Project, which, they allege, was not carried out according to the established schedules, it did not adequately consider the management of machinery and waste, and, finally, it did not consider the impact that the increase in tourism would have in the area.

Additionally, the Request warns about harms to the quality of life and economic damages of one of the Requesters due to the sinking of his boat during the provision of the material transport service for the execution of sanitation works within the framework of the Project.



Recent actions

On June 5, 2024, the investigation panel was formed, made up of Kattya Araya, Phase Coordinator, Augusto Mendonca as an expert for the environmental component, and Ione Novoa Jezler, an expert for the social component. The investigation is expected to be completed in December 2024.


Past actions

On July 19, 2022, MICI granted the Requesters a maximum period of 10 business days to submit the information required to continue with the Request process (paragraph 20 of the MICI Policy).

On August 2, 2022, MICI notified the Requesters and IDB Management of the registration of the Request.

On September 30, 2022, the MICI determined that the Request was eligible because it met all the eligibility criteria established in the MICI Policy. This eligibility determination is not an evaluation of the merits of the Request or the issues contained therein.

Issues of an environmental nature, living conditions and the cultural heritage of the community are excluded from an MICI process, since it is the MICI's opinion that it is not possible to link that these allegations of damage and the information provided could be the result of potential breaches of the Operational Policies.

The Request was transferred to the Consultation Phase by decision of the Requesters.

On December 13, 2022, the Board of Executive Directors approved by short procedure the extension of the evaluation stage. The new deadline is April 2, 2023.

On April 3, 2023, the Board of Executive Directors approved by short procedure a second extension of the evaluation stage. The new deadline is August 2, 2023.

 On July 6, 2023 MICI issued the Consultation Phase Assessment Report, finding that a dialogue process was not feasible. Pursuant to paragraph 29.B of the MICI Policy, the request was transferred to the Compliance Review Phase.

On August 3, 2023, the Board of Executive Directors approved by short procedure an extension of the deadline to submit the draft of the recommendation and terms of reference. The new deadline is September 11, 2023. On September 21, 2023, the Board of Executive Directors approved an extension of the deadline to submit comments on the draft Recommendation for a Compliance Review and Terms of Reference. The new deadline will expire on October 12.

On December 15, 2023, the Board approved the Recommendation to conduct a Compliance Review and ToR. The investigation is expected to last 6 months from the date on which the investigation panel is formed, which will be made up of the Compliance Phase Coordinator and two experts.


Project Number:


Environmental Category:


Project Name:

National Tourism Development Program-PRODETUR Nacional-Rio de Janeiro



Project Type:

Loan Operation

IDB Financing:

USD 112,000,000

Consultation Process
Recommendation for a CR and ToRs
CR Report


Consultation Phase (CP)

Compliance Review Phase (CRP)

Chronology and documents

Steps and milestonesDateRemarksDocuments


Request Receipt



Notice of Registration

2022-08-025 business days from the date of receipt of the Request or 15 business days when further information is required from the Requesters.


Management Response

2022-08-3121 business days from the date of notice of registration. The response will be published as an annex to the Eligibility Memorandum.


Eligibility due date

2022-09-3021 business days from the date of receipt of Management Response or 45 business days after the Suspension is granted. 


Eligibility Memorandum Public Disclosure

2022-10-13As per the Access to Information Policy (OP-102) the disclosure of this document is done simultaneous to its distribution to the Board of Executive Directors.
Consultation phase


Deadline for Assessment

2023-08-0240 business days from the date of issuance of the eligibility memorandum. The deadline was extended to April 2, 2023. The deadline was extended for a second time to August 2, 2023.


Assessment Report Public Disclosure

2023-07-20As per the Access to Information Policy (OP-102) the disclosure of this document is done simultaneous to its distribution to the Board of Executive Directors.
Consultation Phase Closure


Transfer to Compliance Review Phase

Compliance review phase
Recommendation for a Compliance Review and Terms of Reference (ToRs)


Preparation of Draft Recommendation and ToRs due date

2023-10-12Management and Requesters have 21 business days to submit their written comments to the Draft. On September 21, 2023, the Executive Board approved an extension of the deadline to submit comments. The new deadline will expire on October 12.


Due date for receiving comments on Draft

2023-10-12Management and Requesters have 15 business days to submit their comments to the Draft.


Consideration by the Board of Executive Directors of the Recommendation and ToRs

2023-12-08Start date of Board consideration by short procedure.


Decision by the Board of Executive Directors regarding the Recommendation



Date of integration of Panel



Expected completion date of Investigation / Issuance of Draft Compliance Review Report

2024-12-04The conclusion date of the investigation is set in accordance to the ToRs.